big winners and big losers造句

"big winners and big losers"是什么意思   


  1. Once competition takes hold, there will be big winners and big losers.
  2. Almost overnight, the nation with a reasonably even distribution of misery has been transformed into a nation of big winners and big losers.
  3. It is now clear beyond any doubt that in the process of globalization . . . there are big winners and big losers.
  4. "Here's the bottom line : the biggest challenge we face together right now is making sure we don't divide into big winners and big losers _ that instead, as many people as possible get on the high-skill, high-wage train,"
  5. It's difficult to find big winners and big losers in a sentence. 用big winners and big losers造句挺难的


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  7. "big with"造句
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  9. "big wolf marketing"造句
  10. "big wolf on campus"造句

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